A Family Church in Atwater, Ca
Sunday Service 10:45AM.
209-777-3170 1201 Cedar Ave Atwater Ca
A Family Church in Atwater, Ca
Sunday Service 10:45AM.
209-777-3170 1201 Cedar Ave Atwater Ca
A Family Church in Atwater, Ca
Sunday Service 10:45AM.
209-777-3170 1201 Cedar Ave Atwater Ca
A Family Church in Atwater, Ca
Sunday Service 10:45AM.
209-777-3170 1201 Cedar Ave Atwater Ca
I like to officially welcome our guests to our website. Here at Valley Christian Church located in Atwater Ca. We are a spirit filled, inter-denominational body of believers and offer a variety of ministries and opportunities, to grow, learn, and serve. We believe that God is the Father, Jesus is his only son, we believe that Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and that Jesus is coming again. If you are looking for a church that is Christ centered and seeks not to conform to current cultural trends but seeks to instead influence our current environment with the gospel, then we maybe what you're looking for.
Our Mission is to be more like Jesus in word, prayer, passion, and deed. To be like the early church, devoted to the apostles' teachings, to fellowship, prayer, and the breaking of bread together.
Hello, I am Pastor Alfred Perez senior Pastor at Valley Christian Church. I would like to take a moment to invite you and your family to pay us a visit and extend a warm welcome.
My prayer for those who attend is " May you experience the peace, presence and power of God's Spirit here at VCC. May you also find healing, freedom, restoration and victory."
May the Lord bless you abundantly, hope to see you soon.
Pastor Alfred Perez
COME OUT AND SUPPORT OUR God Squad-College Age group FUNDRAISER! (SEE FLYER under ministry and events section)
Get a raffle ticket with your...
We have a dedicated group of experienced Children’s Church teachers that will love your children through the Bible in one year, we can’t wait to see you!
The Resolution for Men’s ministry will be held every Tuesday at 6pm here at the church. Come join us and together we will become stronger spiritual leaders in our homes and build a strong Legacy for future generations. For more information contact our church
This Women's Ministry is devoted to Christ and fellowship with our sisters in Christ, while reading, learning and discussing life's hard topics with a Christian resolve.
We meet the 1st/3rd Monday each month
at 6 PM .
For more information contact Linda Wright at 1 (209) 648-4444
Join us on Tuesday evenings at 6pm for a comprehensive and fun time of learning and fellowship. Pastor Arnie Hultgren will teach and inspire your Christian growth and walk. We meet at the home of Charles and Linda Kulbeth. For more information or for directions please contact Linda Kulbeth at 209-631-2293
At Valley we love our youth and are devoted to their spiritual growth. Come join us every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm as we strive to INVEST in the next generation of young people in significant ways INSTRUCT them in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith along with principles for living healthy, wise and productive lives INSPIRE them by our example and challenge them to take faith-filled risks IGNITE them with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, a commitment to the local church, and finally, to launch them into the world prepared for life, for relationships, for service, and for leadership. call us for more information.
Come join us every Wednesday evening at 6pm as Pastor Alfred provides us with an encouraging and practical guide to Christianity: Be sure not to miss it
7:30 PM
Join us every Thursday evening at 6:15pm for Grace Revelation Bible Study, you won't want to miss this class, no homework and snacks provided. for more information, please contact Kristine Williams at 510-209-6277
see you there!
Join Pastor Arnie Hultgren at and the Saturday crew at 8:00am every Saturday morning. We have a great time of open discussion as Pastor Arnie leads this of study, you are sure to be inspired, breakfast is provided. Bring a friend.
We love our church and our community here at Valley. We have several regular weekly and monthly outreach programs that we provide to the less fortunate and shut in's. We participate in local community events such as the annual "Love Atwater" program, " God Belongs in Our City" prayer walk, the "Atwater 4th of July" Celebration, and not to forget our own VCC Harvest Festival &Trunk or Treat complete with food, games and tons of candy this also provides us a great opportunity to hand out coats, shoes and blankets to those in need and offer a time of prayer. We also offer a Thanksgiving Meal and Christmas productions all free of charge to the community. For more information please contact us.
Your support and contributions will enable us to be the hands and feet for our community and to help support ministries abroad. Your generous donation is greatly appreciated.
Sunday-Adult Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday-Worship Service10:45am
Sunday- Evening service 6 PM
Monday- Women’s Ministry 1st/3rd Monday at 6 PM.
Contact Joanna to confirm.209- 628-0605
Tuesday- Youth Ministry at 6:30 pm.@ church.Contact Jacob 209-648-1813
Tuesday - Men’s Ministry 6pm
Tuesday - Home bible study at 6pm Call Linda K for info 209-631-2293
Tuesday-Womens Bible Study 6:30pm
Wednesday- Mid-Week Bible Study 6:30pm
Thursday- Grace Revelation and dinner Study 6pm
Thursday 5:30 PM
Copyright © 2017 Valley Christian Church- All Rights Reserved.
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